Domingo de Ramos

Procession of the Palms or of the Burreta, at 11:30.

Headed by the flag of the Confraternity of the Holy Burial. The known one “burreta” parades in a pedestal on wheels. Only those that the step and the standard-bearer take dress tunic. The tour begins in the Parochial Church and continues for the streets Blasco and Alejandre, to conclude again in the Church. During the whole tour he accompanies the Town hall.

Lunes Santo

Cry of Holy Week in the Municipal Theatre, at 20:30.

Martes Santo


Procession of the Vía Crucis with the Meeting, at 20:30.

In her there are prayed fourteen stations indicated with a badge in the walls, which depend on if the tour is overhead or for below. They take 14 banners with 14 stations, of black color and with the scene in the center identical with black. Each of the banners is accompanied of a lantern, which people carry very young woman dressed in tunic, curled black hood and a sash of color dwel.

The Virgin Mary taken by four men who do not possess relief meets the Nazarene, whom the “Verónica” follows. The Nazarene is accompanied by the Roman soldiers, the Sibyls, the band of the Holy Burial and the butlers and the Prior close. The people dressed in street escort them to both sides.

Miércoles Santo

Banda tambores Nazareno
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Jesus Nazareno's procession, at 22:30.

Alternative it crosses the high part and the part goes down the city.

At 20:00 p.m. of every Holy Wednesday the Governing Meeting is going to look for the Major Brother of Shift, and later to the Major Brother of Honor, both and the Board of directors to go to the Collegiate church, where one will proceed to the benediction of the new brothers. His names are read loudly. Immediately afterwards the president dedicates a few words, as well as both honoured Brothers and the priest. Later the procession begins.

The apparel is sky blue tunic, yellow girdle placed to the left side, black shoe, red cap, white hood with the shield of the brotherhood and white gloves.

The hood of the “cetrilleros” is red and that of the “costaleros” Nazarene color.

The brothers of the Governing Meeting take white cap differing the Major Brother for the shield of the Brotherhood that goes in her embroidered in silver.

The Major Brothers dress the tunic of Nazarene color, girdle of hemp and the white cap in the shield of the Brotherhood in gold to the back.

The images are:

  • Jesus Nazareno realized by Joaquín Larrañaga of 1958.

  • The Verónica, of the Makers of religious images of Olot of 1983-1987

  • Jesus tied to column, acts of Francisco Rayo Lahoz of 1991

  • The Purple Cross. It substitutes in 1998 previous other one of similar characteristics. Work of Ximo Roca, main glazier. The framework is A Jose Alcañiz's work

The band of drums is of 1955 and that of bugles of 1956 with 38 members each one.

Jueves Santo

Banda Tambores Silencio
Banda Tambores Silencio
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Procession of the Silence, at 22:30

The tour changes from one year to other one, overhead or for below, depending on the tour that takes the Confraternity of the “Soledad”, with which it is alternated. Before beginning the procession, assembled all the confreres who compose the Brotherhood, there is asked them to guard the vote of silence.

The procession begins with the Cross Script of the confraternity, they are still his ten standard-bearers. Later they look like the penitents with his crosses, the band of drums and the pedestal with the Christ of the Silence (deals in wood acts of Jose Bueno realized in 1953. It is carried to shoulders by 20 “costaleros”. The pedestal dresses in red and white carnations that are distributed to the deceased the Good Friday in a ceremony in Alcañiz's cemetery). After her the Brother of Honor walks taking a Cross of silver flanked by two children who carry banners of small dimensions with the edges in black and white and the inscription of the Brotherhood of the Silence. Later it parades the Virgin of the Tears (deals in wood of the hands and of the head acts of Jose Bueno realized in 1955. They are 16 the “costaleros” that carry it for Alcañiz's streets. The pedestal is adorned by white carnations, which are distributed at the end of the procession. The Virgin dresses a mantle of velvet embroidered by the Dominicas’s nuns of Alcañiz and appears low canopy and skirts of black color), to that he him is still the Brother of Shift with another cross of silver, and as that of Honor, is accompanied by children. The Priest who appears later is dressed in the same way that both brothers. Later it follows the image of the Piety (work of the murciano realized in 2007). After this one there appears the Governing Meeting of the Brotherhood, composed by six members and by the chairwoman, all of them with a cane as complement. To close the procession there parade eight torch-bearers who by means of a few strong straps support the heavy torches fed on alcohol.

When the procession is close to conclude, on having come to the Plaza of Spain, the standard-bearers do a corridor of honor. The presents experience then the impressive silence that he has reigned in the whole procession, in the only scene represented before the Renaissance Town hall, the Gothic Strap and the baroque Ex-collegiate church as backdrop.

From 1978, the Good Friday in the morning celebrates a ceremony for the deceased in the cemetery of the locality. The band of drums comes and once there a prayer is said and is named to all the deceased of the confraternity, distributing between his relatives the red roses of the pedestal of the Christ of the Silence.

Viernes Santo
Semana Santa alto

Procession of the “Pregón”, to her 13:00

At 12:00 the drums center in the Plaza of Spain and from there two members of the Meeting, with the butlers they are going to look for the Prior to his house. Meanwhile the drums are touching. They come to the Church with the Prior to her 13:00

At one o'clock exactly there goes out the banner of the Holy Burial. After him there parade 12 tribes represented by a flag of black color with an inscription, carried by confreres who dress black tunic. They follow five parts of the world, represented by some other flags with the names of every continent. Later, eight banners that narrate the creation of the world. The drums escort to the procession in long rows from it them edges, and in addition there appear two kettledrums with which the Cry distinguishes itself.

Custody of the Sepulcher for the Roman Guard, at 18:45.

The Roman soldiers guard Christ's body.

Procession of the Loneliness, at 20:00.

The procession crosses alternate years the high or low part of the city.

The Cross is opened, to the one that follows the banner with the Lanterns of Seven Words. It follows the pedestal of the Reclining Christ with the set square of Roman soldiers.

Later the Sibyls, in number of 12, the queen and two parents. In occasions penitents go out, but not always, after them there parade the Butlers of the Holy Burial, the Meeting of the Nazarene, the Meeting of the Silence, the band of drums and bugles of the Nazarene, the Pedestal of the Slaves, the Board of directors of the Confraternity, the presidents of other three fraternity and it closes the Town hall.

Mass Celebration of the Passion of the Gentleman, at 17:30

Drum's nigth, at 24:00

During the whole night the squads dressed in street, touch the drum for Alcañiz's streets.

First they center in the Plaza of Spain and then they are scattering for the whole city.

More than one act playful treats itself that religious, though it is possible to see the passion with which the peoples touch his drums.

Sábado Santo

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Procession of the “Santo Entierro”, at 16:00

Every year the Butlers of the Confraternity buy a few cakes that lead in the morning to the Convent of the Sisters of Holy Ana where the priest blesses them.

At 16:00 it gives I initiate the procession, which divides from the Major Church crossing the high part and the part it goes down.

In her the following elements take part:

The Banner of the “Santo Entierro”, Twelve tribes, Five parts of the World and of the Creation. The Burreta, the Prayer in the Orchard, Jesus Nazareno, The Verónica, the Hebrews and the Sibyls. They follow some Biblical figures as Moses, Abraham and the Samaritan. Later the baturras, approximately 300 that carry the cakes before bendecidas.

The Reclining Christ, Jose Bueno's work carved in 1952, carried by 12 penitents who possess a relief. The Roman Guard composed by 23 soldiers, the Virgin of Dolores, the priest, six Butlers and the Prior, each one with his support staff, which takes the emblem of the Confraternity in metal.

The parade reaches with "Sellado del sepulcro" that takes place in the Spain's square, after which the procession moves back to the Church. The cakes bendecidas in the morning serve, to entertain all the participants.

Easter wake, at 22:30

Domingo de Pascua


High Mass, at 12:00

Procession “Palometas”, to her 13:00

The procession is organized in collaboration with the Confraternity of the Virgin of Carmen. After the mass be celebrating in the Santa Maria the Major church, the Holiest (the Custody), is extracted to the street in procession, accompanied by the Town hall. The Virgin of Carmen with the "grenade" in whose interior a few doves are placed when Mirror comes to the street. Goes out of the Carmen's church with...

In Spain is square, when the Virgin places opposite the Custody, the grenade is opened by means of a simple but effective mechanism and the doves continue symbolizing at liberty the Resurrection. Later it enters the Virgin and the Holiest to the Church, wherefrom the Virgin will return to go out of Carmen accompanied by the Town hall up to the temple of his dedication.

Actuación subvencionada por:

Plan avanza

Actuación subvencionada por:

Gobierno de Aragón

Ayuntamiento de Alcañiz