Alcañiz was a cradle of singular personalities in the world of the culture and of the science. Besides the humanists of the 16th century Sobrarias, Palmireno, Gómez Miedes, Ruiz of Moors and Domingo Andrés, there has to be remembered to Francisco Mariano Nipho, born in 1719, publisher of the first periodic Spanish publication with subscribers, turning to his city in cradle of the national journalism. Between the 19th century and the XXth Concepción Gimeno Gil of Flaquer, also journalist and writer, headed the defense of the women's rights, and the ophthalmologist Galo Leoz Ortín, Ramon and Cajas disciplel, was pioneering in the treatment of the retinopatías. For your part, the world of the contemporary painting has had in Enrique Trullenque's figure as an exceptional creator.