After a hard dictatorship and the post-war period, Alcañiz grew to become a modern city and a service provider. In 1944 a new railway line (Val de Zafán-Alcañiz) was opened to be closed in September 17th, 1973. New firms were set up in the region and projects of great magnitude such as Motorland and the tecnological park have made Alcañiz be known worldwide.
Numerous industries, workshops and shops as well as a number of branches, saving banks, hotels and catering services are the clearest example of the economic boost of Alcañiz.
As far as healthcare services is concerned, Alcañiz has a Regional Hospital and some healthcare centres. The city also has a sports centre, a cinema, a gallery, a camping and a Municipal Theatre.
Today, the city has several state schools and kindergardens, the highschool I.E.S. Bajo Aragón, and two private schools (Las Hermanas de Santa Ana and Las Escuelas Pías). In addition to this, there is also the Official School of Languages and a school for adults.
Thus, Alcañiz is a dynamic service provider but it still has some unfinished business to settle: the turnoff is already a reality and in a future, the highway A-68 will connect us with the city of Zaragoza and the coast.