The rates of the visits guided to the locality are the following ones:

Groups of less than 20 persons 71 €

Groups of more than 20 persons 94,65 €


The guided visit includes:

  • Alleys, Warehouse and Icebox undergrounds located in the Office of tourism

  • Exterior Strap and Town hall

  • Ex-collegiate church of Santa Maria the Major one

  • Castle Calatravo, medieval dependences with the set of paintings Gothic - murals

  • Atrivm, space of History, interactive buckets that explain Alcañiz's history


The duration of the visit is of approximately 2 hours more 1 hour of Atrivm.

If they are interested in realizing the visit they must communicate it to us with two or three days of anticipation by e-mail well or calling to the Office of tourism 978831213.


To visit it without compound visit:


  • Alleys, warehouse and icebox undergrounds: 2,20 € (he visits without guide) 1,50 € pensioners and students
  • Castle Calatravo: 4,70 € (it is guided 10:15/11:00/12:00/12:45/16:15/17:00 and 18:00) 3,50 € pensioners and students.
  • Atrivm: 2,20 € (interactive space) 1,50 € pensioners and students
  • The access to her Ex-Collegiate church is free


Actuación subvencionada por:

Plan avanza

Actuación subvencionada por:

Gobierno de Aragón

Ayuntamiento de Alcañiz